Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Next Nashville Star

Hello Family,

I thought I might post this to our family blog as it is BREAKING NEWS in the life of this Gibbs Girl....

It looks like I am "temporary relocating"/ moving to Clarksville, Tennessee around July 1st....

You heard it hear first folks.... In just a few weeks, I will be off on my southern adventure. Here is a pic of where I will be in the US.

As you know, Bobby came home and we can't be apart:) haha! BARF!!!! so, for a little while I will be on an adventure to another state, but have no fear I will be able to go back and forth to CA. Please get excited to come visit me:) FYI, I will still be in Tahoe:)

Love you all! Enjoy my update! haha! See you soon to celebrate Carrie's graduation!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Behind the Gapit blog!

This blog is to keep Grandpa's legacy alive and to make it easier for us to stay connected!! The Gibbs Andrews Pattersons have a unique family bond and this blog is to GAP all of our families to stay connected with everyone: ) Feel free to post pictures, comments... Anything that you are up to!!